60 thoughts on “Empaths You’re Being Triggered Into Your Next Role (Master Class)”

  1. I have passed all of these steps and know everything about myself. I feel great about the positive sharing of everything I have including love. I was expecting a more precise method of recharging my energy points. Due to helping friends with disabilities like myself.


    1. OMG you know I’m so glad I found you been finding people that ” Belong ” to me and it’s been tough getting them to follow lol I can feel they’ll be there when it’s perfect timing but I want it now OMG Thank You Thank You don’t feel alone anymore God Speed xoxo


  2. I too have been awakened over a year ago and it has been a difficult and fantastic journey. I needed to hear your words today and I appreciate it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I always thought I was weird because I don’t fit in anywhere, I feel intensely or don’t feel. I’ve been so abused by narcissism and keep on. Thanks for your words.


  4. Great job Amanda. Great video and also the one you made on youtube about stepping into our abundance as empaths. This has given me great comfort and inspiration for myself, but also I see how this relates to people I know, including people I work with, which can help them too. Keep it coming and all the best 🙂


  5. Thanks for this reminder. I can be positive about so many things, but abundance is slow arriving. I’m a 70 year old Taurus & have worked hard all my life. Right now I rent a room in a friend’s house, but I still have a dream of a little land with a well so I can grow my own food, have a tiny home with a Woodstock & a dog. I am now working as a caregiver to first fix my car & then start saving a downpayment! What keeps me going is the glimpses of realization through meditation & the experiences of Love from others I had during my past. Yes, I Love “myself” & all Beings…Blessings to you


  6. I would like to know about abundance matrix. Yes i am triggered daily by this man. He acts as if he hates. Total narcissist. I want to break free of this devil and his evil ways.


  7. Wow Amanda, you are truly amazing and inspiring. I have been hit so hard with awakening, and feel rocked to my core as I try to regain balance. Your classes have taught me SO MUCH about myself, the world and life. Thank you so much for sharing your journey, not being afraid to be vulnerable and blessing empaths everywhere with your deep insight and knowledge. Much love to you!!!!!


  8. I came soon your video. I heard you loud and clear on the fact of feeling less and of not deserving of love. In the past 7 weeks I have started therapy to heal myself. 39 years old , sober for the past 2 years I’m learning to feel,deal, and heal.


  9. Dear Amanda,
    Thank you so very much for all that you are doing in the Empath community. Your posts has changed my life. I used wonder why I was so sensitive, odd, off name it. There were times I used to want to crawl out of my skin due to unexplainable pains, numbness, surges of heat or coldness. Since your YouTube videos I am learning to shield myself. I know know why I can’t wait to get home and close myself off to the world. It ALL makes since.
    thank you


  10. Amanda- Just discovered your channel and I’m with you and what you know..so reassuring!! Keep going. I’m in Massachusetts, wondering what part of the country you’re in?


  11. . Thank’s to say I’m not alone. From I born they wanne do this and don’t want my life dammedge beqause I think I’m a stolen child. I have many talent’s but my strange famelie do my life long or I’m crazy and they say that they must do this strange thing’s from some one. I don’t no or I can believe them


  12. Hi, I related to your last video about being triggered. It opened me up, and made me understand that I have an issue with making other people happy. I hope to fully understand what is next.


  13. … it can not be greater , these messages , mirroring a reality rarely perceived .
    … i ‘ m fully there with these meanings … what it is said … all my feelings and thoughts and words .
    in gratitude .

    i ‘ m so misunderstood and supressed . my health getting worst and worst .


  14. Having been surrounded by a majority of people who wish me ill will, and having no ability to retreat to solitude or nature, I have lost sight of positivity and hope.
    Thanks for the reminders. It is important to note how an empath can truly die by forced negative surroundings with no rest. It truly is a night and day, dark and light drastic overview. It’s scary how environment of empath really does decide and determine growth and ability to give back. I’ve seen birth and death and it’s an amazing entertainment for those of narcissistic natures. Empaths need to remember to hide better or risk games of folly with such groups. Best hopes brothers and sisters.


  15. Hi love ,My name is Dominique ,I would so love to join in on your classes , I’ve been Awaken a few year’s ago but I’m just now getting a understanding of what’s going on..


  16. The only revenge for me is to do and complete all of my early aspirations and inspirations. To live in my truest zone of me-ness… To do what fuels my soul. Poetry and music. I love the affirmations. It feels good to hear someone else say what I’ve felt my entire life. That I’m connected and cannot live seperately everything we do affects the whole. Much love, Vett xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I am enthusiastic about the expression of your essence. It’s very pleasant. May your essence pollinate and bloom in the hearts of mankind. I know you know how hard it is to speak to others. I feel so alone. Then I listen to you and automatically you’re family. Like I’m familiar with this language; this sound; this movement; this vibration; this essence. It gives my heart great pleasure to be able to experience such magnificent glory, and more to get the opportunity to let you know you are appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I am literally speechless…. thank you for putting this into words. The only way I could explain “me” was I feel the whole weight of the world, and lament and pray for the world at random. I have been trying to understand why for me it’s all about love yet it continues to evade me personally. So I now feel unlovable, and for me it’s like a death sentence to be unloved. I feed (love) to everyone I come in contact with. They seek me to HELP them feel better, with problems and I help. I’m a masters level counselor for crying out loud! Thats how strong the NEED not want was to help and meet a need. But no one seems to be able to help me, including me. This video really touched my spirit. I been hating myself because I thought I was cursed. I do I do say I hate them, but I’m sure that’s untrue. I have been saying I hate being here with PEOPLE, maybe I’m inhuman because I don’t understand the nature of humans, the capacity they have to harm and kill, when love/harmony would carry us so much further as a species. If baffles me the depravity of it all. I said humans are horrible, I just couldn’t EXPLAIN it. The self hate is real, the inability and lack of desire to “fit in” has always been there. I am so relieved, I’m going to watch this again.

    P.S I usually don’t ever leave posts. This is a reckoning. I’m about to let my loving light shine full blast! Time to break the depression, bitterness, self hatred and inadequate feelings of self. I was once told I was here to help the masses, and I’ve always felt that, but how can you help others of you can’t fix yourself. But I see that’s been the trick.


    1. Jayana, I cried through most of the reality of what Amanda has shared and the profundity revealed. It’s therapeutic,
      Shock Therapy hearing others relate to matters which I’ve experienced all of my remembernce. Something was aligning within, as if being resolved when I
      heard Amanda concentrating on matters I’d shudder to convince someone my feelings and or emotions should be considered or could even be valid. Abundant Light, Balanced Vibrations, Wholeness in Healing & Love to you Amanda for sharing your gift and strenght, balanced vibrations in Abundance to all of us who receive this gift to regift.
      Thank you, Jayana. This has been amazingly restorative for my DNA, as you also tapped into the collective consciousness I felt connected with what I would basically have expressed in it’s Authenticity. Much thankfulness!


  19. I enjoy your position and I enjoy your direction. I feel what you speak and believe your path will enlighten many in the dark. We empaths need a beacon only because of mankind’s understanding to destroy what they don’t understand


  20. Help I really need your master class. I have been looking for someone like you for about a year now. Once again I am starting again due to anxiety from people’s energies. Please help me figure out how to use My ton of energy the correct way- without fear.


  21. i think i might be an impath or an infj. was hopeing to get a better understanding of this life long feeling of being so incredibly different ,,,now for the first time in 49 yrs it all makes sense..WOW!! i want to know everything there is to learn on the subject. thank you


  22. Amanda,
    I cannot thank you enough for answering your inner call. I am awake but have been hiding for years. I am joyous to find your guidance and light on my path. This rundown on the steps to take is so important! I choose to listen and apply these tenets to mt life. I know I can move from the lack which continues to bind me.
    I had an epiphany when uou talked about treating yourself as everyone else, essentially applying the golden rule to myself. I did not realize how silly my self degradation is until I looked at it this way.
    You are truly a blessing in my day.
    I have been surging through much inner development and kundalini awakening over the past 3 years and I am so happy that my path leads me to your information.
    I look forward to harnessing the tools you are offering. It is humorous timing, though, because this year I manifested a great new job doing what I love – but not what I really need to do. I am expectant and hopeful about what happens next. I need to fight the lack matrix with all my creative might.
    Do you have any suggestions of how to introduce the lack matrix to a spouse who has major money and control issues – such that she has become well paid in the finance sector – which inhibit her freedom of creativity and thereby curb my ability to break off the 9to5 norm and push to the manifestation of my true dream job?
    Thanks again for being here.
    Have a great day,
    David Hults


  23. Morning came and I woke looking back at she but she is who I was,not who I have realized I am…and I was like whooo!! Where did all this come from and why…I woke up and something atomic happened..something..i felt was there all along….Something Devine interceding.


  24. Amanda, I appreciate you SO much! Had to stop myself from binging on your vids, it’s such a wonderful feeling to recieve the Truth from another empathic heart! I’ve been isolated for so long, and am just stepping into my power and roles as an empath. It’s finally sinking in that I’m NOT a broken human being, but a powerful healer/co-creator, in high service to the All and stepping into the purpose for which I was created and chose to be here. Your words touch me deeply. Thank you! You have raised the bar on the help and support available for the empathic soul, struggling to understand, in a very impressive, down to earth way. I have subscribed, liked, & shared for the very first time ever, and will be checking out the Master Course, for sure. Again, Amanda, a loving thank you, thank you, thank you! Blessings upon you and yours!


  25. Amanda, love your new website . I’ve been mired in the lack matrix my entire life. With lots of inner work I’m shifting out into the abundance matrix and authenticity in my life. But I’m finding that almost all my personal relationships, intimate and platonic, that I’ve attracted to myself are keeping me from really shifting, because most of these relationships are vibrating at such a low frequency that I keep getting pulled back into lack. Do you think it’s necessary to almost scrap my existing life, not that it’s worked out that well for me, to truly move into abundance and attract people and experiences with my authentic nature? I really would love to hear your thoughts on this. I’m so close………thanks, Mike J


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